Saturday, 30 June 2012


Well I played on this...last week I think now and I'm still thinking about it which means I either loved it or hated it.

I loved it! and it was well worth the ten pounds of PSN points to buy it but the annoying thing is I want to talk about it to someone...well an audience who haven't played it but in doing that I think I would ruin it for them and my mates all have 360's and laugh when I mention about PS3 games.

But I will say this about it, you paid for Journey and you get exactly what you pay for...A Journey. I know it's not saying much and all games are a Journey/world you explore etc etc but this is called Journey and it felt like I had travelled thousands of miles, experienced all sorts of things in my travels in the space of two hours and staying physically in my room, even though in my head I was somewhere else simply reaching B.

If you get a chance to play this game play it! It's without a doubt one of my favourite games of all time now and I will be astonished if it's not my personal GOTY.

I'm also sure that I will be playing this again very soon in the near future unlike most games I play.

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