Saturday, 17 September 2011

Trade in's

Before I couldn't understand why people did trade in's with their old games as the prices were useless and you would have to trade in five or so to get the latest game of the week/month.
But now (well I say now but it's done this for a while) the shops have now truly made it a good option for getting rid of old games.
GAME started off with a loyalty card that when you traded in games, bought or pre ordered from then you would get points/credit for you to build up.

Then as online websites started taking their business they needed to offer something which online retailers just couldn't compete with, was more convenient and made them keep coming back.
Then that's when trade in deals truly came in with this year getting harder for me to resist with his gem being offered by GAME.

Now how can any gamer say no that and how do online retailers compete with that?

No idea and fair play to GAME and Gamestation, I hate them but you have to admit that the people running their sales are very smart. Not only that if I do that deal I then have God knows how many points to get rid on my loyalty card, again forcing me to do business with them.

You just have to take your hat off to these people sometimes, very clever and just wanted to say well done to GAME. As it must be a nightmare to compete with online and they are doing it with such great business idea's to draw people away from online retailers.
I think this now overtakes one of their clever business moves in the war against a big supermarket which involved the supermarket selling the new 3DS at a loss but the goal of this is to get new people (or another type of customer who wouldn't normally go there) to buy other stuff there.
We have all done it "Oh actually I need more toothpaste and to fill up the fridge...May as well as I'm here" and that was the supermarkets goal.
But GAME being GAME told their employees "Buy all the 3DS in that supermarket, we give you the cash to buy them and then list them as pre owened in the stores"

Just brilliant.

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