Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Just wow!

Saw this today, it's a mod for GTA4 on the PC and it looks better than GTA5!

I think we are truly getting so close to graphics in gaming that looks just like real life.

Friday, 13 July 2012

Oddworld, The Missing Link and extras.


As some of you know I have been playing this game and for a previous gen game I have been blown away by it. I would even say it's possibly better than a lot of games coming out this gen and this game came out (looks on wikipedia) 2005 and the world that Just Add Water have made is still so rich and fun to explore for a seven year old game.
I understand after finishing it why people have raved about it so much as its such a good game.
Unlike a lot of the games in the previous generation that just made big areas which mainly looked the same and offered little difference (even the fantastic Halo 1 is guilty of this) this offers areas that are a pleasure to explore with really well done simple humour with it's writing.
The only real negatives for it are the rotating camera which can sometimes play up, the last level (Just throw enemies everywhere syndrome) and possibly a lack of a soundtrack that I'm so use to with games today.

If you are a PSN+ or have ten quid PSN credit, I would really suggest at least checking this game out, been a really nice surprise for me this one as I was expecting to be disapointed.

Would have been very happy to pay a tenner for it but to have it free via PSN+ is just fantastico.

Bought the MW3 maps as they are cheap and fancy doing the special ops missions, man people who paid for Ellite must be annoyed. 40 quid for ellite with all the stuff 11 quid now after 8ish months.
Call of the Dead on Black ops was pants and turned it off after a few minutes, thought it was gonna be a level at first not some cheap horde mode, bit of a waste of five quid PSN credit.
Oh well I will see if HMV sell PSN vouchers for a fiver and see if I can get it back for free

So The Missing Link...

I have to say I have been impressed with it. Terrible starting off though but it gets much better and offers some good parts in the game where I've really had to really think how to avoid some enemies with lots of rooms to explore.

Hasn't really added much to the story of the game which hasn't surprised me but it's been well worth a fiver which is what I paid for it.

Don't think it's worth a tenner though which is what it's original cost was but 
felt like a really good extended level which is what DLC should really be but most of the times just isn't.

Thursday, 5 July 2012

Battlefield 3 Rant!!!

The single players is full of bugs on the 360 (PS3 was astonishingly better with single player) I can't finish the last co-op level because the quicktime at the end of my game doesn't work and I planned to be part timer online but soon as I find some time to get into I notice the servers are not EA and full of clans. The last game I played I was put up against a clan of 4 I think with one other person on my team who kept running towards the edge of the map lol.
I remember killing one of the members of the clan but soon as I had killed him I was trapped in a triangle formation, which clearly meant that the person who I killed had told the rest of the team exactly where I was!

and at that moment in my head and since then "Sod this". Full of bugs and for someone who likes the matchmaking system as I really am a part timer online, this is not for me. Terrible on your own but great for clans and in my view I paid ten quid for online and EA have offered nothing with servers paid for by others with their own set rules.

End of rant!

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Sony buys Gaikai: My rough thoughts

For those clueless about Gaikai from their official site...

"Gaikai is a technology that lets gamers play the latest state-of-the-art video games instantly on any web browser or internet-connected device - including mobile, tablets, and televisions. No game to download or install. Just click and play instantly.
Our open cloud platform lets publishers brand their own cloud (powered by Gaikai) and deliver their current games to places never possible before."

It might come this generation as it's browser based. The PS3 was the first console to have BBC Iplayer and now the BBC are trying out the BBC Sport app on PS3 first.
The internet browser (which was terrible at the start) has improved a great deal (I think it's mobile based as some sites launch the mobile site) and I assume it's similar to the ones Sony use for their phones which use Gaikai and I think and even Onlive.

I just can't imagine Sony paying all that money just to stream old games and they are losing a lot of money so I doubt it's for the distant future but in the next couple of years instead (5ish years).
At the moment there is the option to download full games on PSN (and Steam and MS etc) but the tech Gaiki use possibly allows them to put any games on their devices in the future.
So in the next generation or sooner Sony could be selling TV's "Playstation Gaiki ready" as a selling point which allow PS3 or PS4 games at a hight cost (like they are now on PSN)
Sony's only real brand is Playstation and they clearly feel placing "Playstation" in as many of their products will help them be competitve in the market.
Just think about go into Currys and two TV's are exactly the same except for one think, one is "Playstation Gaiki ready" and all done through the TV.

I honestly think it's a great business move by Sony as their TV's are struggling to sell and that option for their TV's, MP3 players or tablets etc is a big possible advantage over their rivals.

Lollipop Chainsaw

Started playing Lollipop Chainsaw Saturday I think ad t's alright just not really my cup of tea.

Mainly bought it for the humour which quickly wears thin after an hour but the mini games in the levels are brilliant.
I think button basher's who like Bayonetta and Devil May Cry etc will love it mind but I was happy to get to the
 end of the game unlike Journey which I last played. All round it's a good bit of fun but I will forget about it afterwards but soon as I hear this song now I quickly remember it again and how can't I!

Sunday, 1 July 2012

Sports Interactive details split from Eidos after nine years of silence

Finally we know! Well I always wanted to know why anyway and perhaps others here wanted to know.


Miles Jacobson, studio director for Sports Interactive, has broken his silence on why his studio left Eidos in 2003. Turns out, the studio though Eidos was looking to replace it with Beautiful Game Studios, while life president Ian Livingstone said the firm brought the later into the fold because it has heard rumors Sports Interactive were planning to split.
This image has been resized to fit - view original

Speaking together during a “fireside chat” at the GameHorizon conference, both Jacobson and Livingstone explains their perspective sides. Jacobson saying they thought Beautiful Game Studios was brought in to take over Championship Manager; Livingstone saying they brought them in to protect the firm in case the studio jumped ship.

“I’m sure there are two sides to this story,” Jacobson said “We have never spoken about in the past. At the time we felt there was a lack of respect that we did for our work from Eidos. There seemed to be an attitude at the time in the industry that anyone could make games.

“Eidos wanted more control. We wanted more control. We were asking for high royalties. Eidos set up Beautiful Game Studios nine months before Championship Manager 4 was due to come out. They told me that BGS were making a platform game. I thought our number was up.”

Jacobson continued stating that there was nothing more stressful than “breaking up a brand that took 11 years to build,” but that Sports Interactive is stronger than ever in the hands of its parent company, SEGA, where it is in charge of the ever popular Football Manager.

“I went for a curry with the CEO of Sega in Japan and Europe and he made me an offer on a napkin,” Jacobson recalled. “I kept telling them we were not for sale. I told them they would have to double the offer for me to even discuss it with Paul and Ov Collyer.”

The following day, SEGA doubled the offer, securing the studio’s financial future and enabling the studio to retain independence.

Sports Interactive will reveal the next Football Manager in the fall which is said to contain a less conservative design than past iterations.

I love the fact their relationship with Sega started with a curry with the CEO of Sega but I agree with them going their seperate ways from Eidos and wanting more control and clearly more money which is understandable as they are in my view doing most of the work.

Quite surprised Eidos were gonna fiddle around with the franchise though but then again I have little knowledge in how a gaming business works.